Sustainability Workshop in Hamburg: EcoShipYard and CirclesOfLife Unite


Innovation and sustainability took center stage last week in Hamburg as two visionary initiatives, EcoShipYard (ESY) and CirclesOfLife (CoL), convened for a groundbreaking workshop. This dynamic gathering marked a pivotal step towards a greener maritime future.

The event kicked off with CirclesOfLife highlighting its pioneering efforts to revolutionize material traceability in the maritime sector. Jorinus Kalis provided an insightful introduction to the project, while Martin Verboom emphasized the practicality of leveraging existing initiatives rather than reinventing the wheel. He stressed, “Re-apply, don’t re-invent!”

CoL’s focus on the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulations (ESPR) was particularly impactful. Discussions centered on two transformative tools: the Circular Material Passport (CMP) and the Digital Ship Passport (DSP). While CMP zeroes in on the traceability of individual ship components across supply chains, DSP takes a broader view, encapsulating a vessel’s entire lifecycle with insights into materials, environmental footprints, and circularity metrics. The dialogue left ESY partners inspired and curious about these dual frameworks’ potential to reshape maritime sustainability.

In the second half, the spotlight shifted to ESY’s strides in reducing shipyard environmental impacts. Panagiotis Evangelou, ESY’s project coordinator, introduced the Shipyard Environmental Performance Index (SEPI) as a cutting-edge metric for shipyard sustainability. Marc Bonazountas detailed SEPI’s scientific underpinnings, including life cycle assessments and advanced emissions modeling. Closing his presentation, he declared, “EcoShipYard and CirclesOfLife together are greater than the sum of their parts—1+1=3!”

The event concluded with a lively panel discussion, laying the foundation for future collaboration. Shared goals, such as advancing EU maritime competitiveness and fostering circular manufacturing, emerged as cornerstones of their partnership. The teams also announced plans for their first joint conference, scheduled for September in Brussels, which promises to further catalyze innovation in sustainable shipbuilding.

Stay tuned for updates on this inspiring journey toward a circular and sustainable maritime industry!

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program under grant agreement no. 101138730. UK participation in EcoShipYard Project is funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) under the UK government’s Horizon Europe guarantee [grant-number 10120898].

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